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Father Hood
Patrick Swayze is a goofball criminal who suddenly finds himself strapped with his two kids. His teenage daughter escapes from an abusive orphanage, demanding her father rescue her younger brother. Dad, who may be a thief, is also a softie who decides to rescue his kids by kidnapping them from a school bus. The plot is lackluster and reveals few surprises as Swayze tries to follow his life of crime, only to be thwarted by his needy children. Child abuse, parental abandonment, and crime do not exactly make for slapstick, and this is too leaden to thrill as an adventure flick. Swayze, with his annoying laugh and manic mannerisms, is less convincing than the kids (Sabrina Lloyd and Brian Bonsall), who exude realistic desperation and pain. --Rochelle O'Gorman
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