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Registrierungsdatum: 8. April 2006

Beiträge: 17 Aktivitäts Punkte: 115

Wohnort: West Palm Beach, Florida USA


Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2006, 01:49

ch pronunciation

I found an interesting web site that has the pronunciations mit bilder
I have noticed the ch sounds different depending on the word.

rabbit or bunny
this does sound like ch in ranch

this doesn't sound like ch in ranch sounds more like sh like in should

the ch sound in die Wachtel and der Kranich are different than the above two.
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Registrierungsdatum: 4. Juli 2004

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Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2006, 02:41

Kaninchen, Wachteln, Kraniche..., jetzt fehlt bloß noch die Chimäre! :lol:
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Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2006, 21:50

Hallo garry,

you may have be found out that "ch" in kitchen or ranch sounds in german like "sch"

But this site is good to find out some pronunciations...
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Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2006, 01:01


Original von Lord.Greystoke
you may have be found out that "ch" in kitchen or ranch sounds in german like "sch"

yeah, thats what my english teacher also told me yesterday. we had the same discussion in the lesson and as i have said this thing with the word "ranch", he also told me that this "ch" is rather pronounced like "sh".
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Registrierungsdatum: 8. April 2006

Beiträge: 17 Aktivitäts Punkte: 115

Wohnort: West Palm Beach, Florida USA


Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2006, 03:35

So did you guys listen to rabbit on the pronunciations page with the pictures?

I think I could say kaninchen they way they say it on that page. Also the word for kitchen, Küche, sounds easy enough to say. Küche is a very important word for me since that's where all the food is.

If I turn up the volumn and hover das Kaninchen I notice the ch sounds like the ch in kitchen not sh like shin. But if you listen to die Küche it does sound like sh.

The difference is very subtle, probably not enough of a difference to worry about. I guess I'm splitting hairs :), pun intended.
Lost in translation
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Registrierungsdatum: 9. April 2006

Beiträge: 119 Aktivitäts Punkte: 595


Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2006, 04:48


Have a look at this page:

The pronunciation of "ch" in "Kaninchen" is similar to the pronunciation of the words in the second explanation >>2. "Ch" following "e", "i", "ä", "ö", "ü", the diphthongs "eu" or "äu" and the consonants "l", "n" or "r"<<.

You can take this link instead of the link above if you want access to all pronunciation explanations of any german consonant or vowel. ;)

Oh... and try this page!!!
Go to, choose "Reiner .... (German)", type in "Kaninchen" and... listen! :)

(But be careful with the pronunciation on this page, not all are correct. For example, "Reiner's" pronunciation of "ich" is simply wrong!)

And in case you want to know what kind of sound this "ch" form is... look at this You will see that this is the same IPA symbol as in the IPA notation of "Kaninchen" that you can find here (-> "Aussprache"). ;)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 13 mal editiert, zuletzt von »NoN« (4. Mai 2006, 21:41)

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Registrierungsdatum: 17. Mai 2005

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Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2006, 08:22

@NoN, choose "Reiner .... (German)", type in "Kaninchen" and... listen! :)

(But be careful with the pronunciation on this page, not all are correct. For example, "Reiner's" pronunciation of "ich" is simply wrong!)

I liked this page you recommended to garrybarton a lot. To me "ich" the way Reiner pronounced it sounds fine as a single word, yet the intonation of a complete sentence is slightly awkward to a native speaker.
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Registrierungsdatum: 9. April 2006

Beiträge: 119 Aktivitäts Punkte: 595


Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2006, 15:50


Original von B'Elanna Torres
To me "ich" the way Reiner pronounced it sounds fine as a single word, yet the intonation of a complete sentence is slightly awkward to a native speaker.

Are you sure we talk about the same "ich" and the same "Reiner"? :P Perhaps in a whole sentence it is quite acceptable but if you type in the single word "ich" it sounds more lika a noise (Rauschen) then a "ich". Compare it to the pronunciation of "Clara's" version of "ich", in my opinion this is much better.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »NoN« (4. Mai 2006, 21:42)

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Registrierungsdatum: 17. Mai 2005

Beiträge: 293 Aktivitäts Punkte: 1 500


Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2006, 16:25

You are right about the noise if you type only one "ich". We had some fun writing nonsense sentences which contained a lot of "ich". Perhaps "Reiner" has to clear hin throat first. :lol:
And I hated listening to Klara - this high-pitched voice is dreadful.
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Registrierungsdatum: 9. April 2006

Beiträge: 119 Aktivitäts Punkte: 595


Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2006, 18:14


Original von B'Elanna Torres
You are right about the noise if you type only one "ich". We had some fun writing nonsense sentences which contained a lot of "ich". Perhaps "Reiner" has to clear hin throat first. :lol:

:P :)

So beware of some pronunciation results, they could be incorrect. But "Reiner's" pronunciation of "Kaninchen" is correct and in my opinion very good! ;)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »NoN« (4. Mai 2006, 18:36)

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Registrierungsdatum: 8. April 2006

Beiträge: 17 Aktivitäts Punkte: 115

Wohnort: West Palm Beach, Florida USA


Freitag, 5. Mai 2006, 00:41

You guys are great. The links to those web sites are perfect. Too bad I won't know the words that aren't pronounced correctly but this is a great start. Kaninchen doesn't sound that difficult for me but the page with the ch stuff on it is frightening. ( I hope that guy is exaggerating the pronunciation to bring out the subtle nuances of the sound.

Now I just need to get my family on board with the German. I keep trying to say German stuff to them and they seem to be getting a bit irritated. That's the problem with living in Florida.
Lost in translation
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Registrierungsdatum: 9. April 2006

Beiträge: 119 Aktivitäts Punkte: 595


Freitag, 5. Mai 2006, 00:59


Original von garrybarton
Too bad I won't know the words that aren't pronounced correctly

That's the problem. :sick:


Original von garrybarton
I hope that guy is exaggerating the pronunciation to bring out the subtle nuances of the sound.

He does. ;)


Original von garrybarton
Now I just need to get my family on board with the German. I keep trying to say German stuff to them and they seem to be getting a bit irritated.

I can quite imagine that! :lol:


Original von garrybarton
That's the problem with living in Florida.

I don't think that this is a special "Florida" problem! :P

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »NoN« (5. Mai 2006, 01:00)

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Registrierungsdatum: 8. April 2006

Beiträge: 17 Aktivitäts Punkte: 115

Wohnort: West Palm Beach, Florida USA


Freitag, 5. Mai 2006, 01:23

My main goal is to be able to read German, like the German on this web site and the German in A lot of the items I want to get are not available on the English Amazon. Also there is the possibility of another business trip to Jena :) .

One problem is a lot of you guys (Germans) speak English so the need to learn your language is not as important as say a visit to Iraq.

I find it impossible to read German without trying to pronounce it in my head while reading. I really don't want to "butcher" the language by pronouncing it all wrong in my head while reading so I'm trying to get the proper pronunciation.

I bought a book with stickers in it of various things in the house, so now I have stickers all over the place. I don't think that is something my wife cares for either. Kind of a silent German irritation.

Thanks for all the help.
Lost in translation
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Registrierungsdatum: 9. April 2006

Beiträge: 119 Aktivitäts Punkte: 595


Freitag, 5. Mai 2006, 02:11


Original von garrybarton
My main goal is to be able to read German, like the German on this web site and the German in

You could try this online course to learn some basics. It is "designed by the German Department of the University of Exeter's" and it is free. ;)
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Registrierungsdatum: 9. April 2006

Beiträge: 119 Aktivitäts Punkte: 595


Dienstag, 23. Mai 2006, 06:16


Oh... and try this page!!!
Go to, choose "Reiner .... (German)", type in "Kaninchen" and... listen! :)

Here is another possibility to listen to the pronunciation of German words. LEO ( added such a service. Type in the German word, e.g. "Kaninchen" and click "Go". You will find this icon in the right column ("Deutsch"), and when you click on it, it will display another window where you can choose "Aussprache" (it is the line with this icon). ;)
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